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Bound by the Past Page 21

  “Where are we?”

  “Home.” Jon rose up on one elbow and smiled down at her.

  Night chuckled on her other side. “Talk about the sleep of the dead. You were down for the count, Beauty. You never stirred when we carried you off the compound and brought you back here.”

  She glanced down and realized they were in their bedroom and she was completely naked. “Did you undress me?”

  Jon laughed at the offended tone of her question, and she rolled her eyes at the absurdity of it herself. They’d seen her naked more often than clothed these past couple weeks.

  “Hell yeah,” Jon replied.

  She grinned as he wiggled his eyebrows suggestively. “Did you take advantage of me?”

  Night’s erection seemed to rouse at her joke and she felt the weight of it begin to press against her bottom. “I wanted to, but Jon’s got too many damn morals. Said we should let you sleep in peace.”

  She laughed, realizing Night was probably telling the truth. She had no doubt he’d made the suggestion. Outrageous, crazy man. God, she loved them both.

  At the thought, her heart felt a serious pang of distress. It was their moment of truth. She knew that. She’d put off figuring out their futures together, knowing it was pointless to plan ahead while both men were constantly looking back. Now they were free. Where did that leave her? What if Night decided to leave? What if they realized they didn’t need to share a woman to be happy anymore? What if—now that they were free of the past and perfectly capable of living normal, productive lives—they wanted to end this unusual relationship?

  Jon must have noticed her sudden misery. “Blue Eyes? What’s wrong?”

  Jon’s question caught Night’s attention. He gently pulled her shoulder down until she lay on her back between them, looking up into the eyes of the men she would love until the day she died. Her original concerns about their relationship fled like deer in a forest fire. She really didn’t give a damn what most people thought of her, and her family was the absolute best in the world. They were open-minded and loved her. If she said she wanted to spend the rest of her life with these two men, they might balk at first, but then she had no doubt they would embrace them as part of the family.

  The problem was based solely on her feelings and theirs. She could see now that she’d never truly loved Adam. Her feelings for her ex-husband were absolutely lukewarm compared to the boiling inferno of emotion she felt for Night and Jon. Looking into their eyes, she studied the differences in the brilliant hues reflected back at her. Night’s bright baby blues were confused, while Jon’s dark-brown orbs seemed to have turned black with worry.

  Tired of being a coward in regards to her relationships, she took a deep breath. “I love you both,” she whispered. “Very, very much.”

  Night grinned at her words but Jon wasn’t so easily appeased. “That’s it? You love us? I don’t think so, Carly. Try again.”

  Night chuckled. “To hell with that, bud. I thought those words were more than enough. Can we take advantage of you now?”

  She forced herself to smile at his joke, despite the fact her heart was racing with fear.

  Night’s eyes narrowed. “Beauty? What’s wrong?”

  She cleared her throat and tried to figure out how she could put every ragged, raw emotion coursing through her body into words. “Now that you’ve put the past to rest, you must be looking forward to moving on.”

  Night relaxed at her comment, though she couldn’t understand why. “Is that what’s worrying you? Of course we’re going to move on.”

  Jon laughed then, obviously in agreement with Night. Had they discussed ending things while she’d slept? “You didn’t really expect the three of us to shack up in this tiny little townhouse forever, did you?”

  The bottom fell out of her world with his question and she struggled to breathe past the lump clogging her throat. They were leaving. Just like Adam. Quickly, she batted away the tears sliding down her face. Unfortunately she didn’t move fast enough and Jon grabbed her wrists.

  “Oh crap, why are you crying?” he asked.

  Night leaned forward, cupping her face gently in his hands. “Christ, Carly, what’s wrong? Is it moving that has you worried? From the way Jon talked, I didn’t think there was any love lost between you and that old house of yours. You don’t have to sell it if you don’t want to.”

  “Sell my house?” She couldn’t make sense of their words.

  Jon bent forward until his forehead was pressed against hers. “We thought between the profit we made selling this townhouse and your house, we could buy a nice piece of land and build. I know you’re worried about building being too stressful, but that won’t be a problem, I promise.”

  “It won’t be a problem?” She was repeating his words merely in an attempt to make them soak into her exhausted, overloaded brain.

  What the hell are they talking about?

  “I’m a fair hand at construction, Beauty.” Night picked up Jon’s explanation. “I’ve saved up a hell of a lot of money and while I’m trying to figure out what I want to be when I grow up, I thought I’d build us a house.”

  His eyes twinkled at her and she finally understood they weren’t moving away from her.

  They were building a house and a future with her.

  “So you aren’t leaving?”

  Night shook his head and realization dawned on his face. “You thought when we said we were moving on, you weren’t coming with us?”

  Jon growled. “Are you nuts? Where the hell have you been these last few weeks, woman? How could you think we’d leave you?”

  She silently chastised herself for her insecurities. “I thought now that you’d put the unpleasantness of the past behind you, you’d want to move on. Move away from—”

  “Each other,” Night finished for her.

  Jon looked up at his friend, confusion in his face.

  “Jon, she thinks now that Cassandra is dead and we’re attempting to put the past behind us, we’ll move on to those normal lives you’ve been preaching about us getting for so long.”

  Jon glanced down at her, his eyes black with worry. “Is that what you want, Carly? A normal life? One husband?”

  “God no,” she breathed out quickly. “I want you. Both of you. More than I’ve ever wanted anything in my life. But now that you’ve settled the things that have been hurting you, I was afraid you’d change your mind.”

  Night grinned. “Beauty, you promised to give me time, remember?”

  “I remember,” she answered.

  “Well, you’re not reneging on that. I won’t let you. Even though I can tell you right now, I’m not going to change my mind about you.”

  Carly smiled and felt her lip quiver slightly. “My mind is made up as well.”

  Night bent down and kissed her gently, only pulling back when his fingers brushed against the fresh tears on her cheeks. “Crying again?”

  “Good crying,” she answered with a smile.

  “So have we gotten all the lovey-dovey crap out of the way?” Jon’s face appeared exasperated, but his eyes were sparkling.

  She wiped the happy tears away with a grin. “I suppose so.”

  “Good. Because I’ve waited four days to get back inside that gorgeous body of yours, and morals or not, I’m not waiting a second more.”

  “Amen to that,” Night muttered. She giggled until Jon pulled the sheet down, his playful look quickly turning to one of unbridled lust.

  His fingers lightly touched a small bruise on her breast. His gaze asked the question, but she was hesitant to answer. When he raised his eyebrows, she knew he would outwait her.

  “Cassandra pinched me.”

  Jon’s eyes narrowed in anger and Night growled. “What else did she do?” Night demanded.

  “Nothing,” she quickly reassured them. “I swear that was it.”

  Night shook his head. “My fault,” he muttered, but she quickly dismissed his self-recriminations.

never want to talk about Cassandra Walker again. We’re here together now and I refuse to let that bitch steal one more second from us.”

  Jon bent down and placed a light kiss on the bruise. “No more talking then. Just us, together, loving each other.”

  Jon moved closer to her breast and she gasped as he sucked her turgid nipple into his mouth roughly. “Mine,” he breathed against the sensitive tip, and she fought against a moan as Night bent down to offer the same treatment to her other breast. Together they worked her flesh with their tongues, teeth and lips until she thought she would scream in ecstasy.

  She’d only reached the peak when Jon moved his lips up to whisper in her ear, “Come for us, Carly.” As he spoke, Night reached down to stroke her clit and Jon pressed two fingers deep inside.

  She exploded into a million bright, shining pieces. When she came back to herself, she became cognizant of Jon lying on his back, pulling her limp body over his, caressing her hair and whispering lovely words in her ear.

  “You’re ours, Carly.”

  Gently grasping her around the waist, he positioned her until she was straddling him. The feeling of his hard cock against her stomach rejuvenated her sated body and suddenly she felt ravenous for more. Rising up on her knees, she guided him into her body, reveling in his gratified moan.

  “So tight and hot. So perfect,” Jon muttered. She slowly rode him, up and down, until Night’s hands at her hips halted her movement.

  “Wait for me, Beauty,” he murmuresd against the nape of her neck, provoking a shudder of desire.

  As Night pushed her forward, she rejoiced at the first touch of his cock against her ass. Somewhere along the line, he’d retrieved a tube of lubrication from the bedside dresser and covered his cock with it. Slowly, he slid into the tight chamber, taking care not to hurt her. She marveled at the wondrous feeling of being claimed this way. Never in her wildest dreams could she have imagined being so completely filled. The pleasure and pain of the position worked its way through her overwrought system like a glass of white wine, soothing the restless longings and satiating the frantic cravings.

  As they began their mating dance, she was swept away yet safe and warm locked within their embrace. As Night withdrew and Jon advanced, they slowly erased the tiny, lonely spot inside her that spent years thinking she wasn’t good enough, pretty enough, interesting enough. Soon the insecure stain was gone and in its place was the knowledge that this was where she was meant to be. These men were hers.

  “I love you,” she screamed as the power of her emotions combined with their motions and they pulled her once again into the sparkling abyss.

  Jon followed her down first. “Everything, Carly,” he yelled as she felt the warm flood of his seed fill her.

  Night soon joined them, words seemingly escaping him as he wrapped his arms tightly around her waist and his climax burst into her tight ass.

  It was several moments before she realized they’d assumed their usual after-amazing-sex positions. She was tightly spooned against Night’s chest as Jon faced her, gently caressing her face.

  “So you’re staying with us?” Jon whispered.

  “Of course I’m staying.”

  “Always,” Night said, pulling her tighter to him.

  “Always,” she promised. As she spoke the word, she realized this was the first real thing in her life. She’d found true love, not with one wonderful man but two, and their commitment to each other was strong enough to last them a lifetime.

  She giggled giddily at the thought.

  “What’s so funny?” Jon asked.

  “I think this is the part in my romance books where the words, ‘And they all lived happily ever after’ show up.”

  “Hmmm,” Night sighed thoughtfully. “I think in our case, I’d rather see this part end with ‘And they all got up and had hot monkey sex in the shower’ instead.”

  She laughed. “Okay, that ending works too. Race you to the bathroom.”

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  Forbidden Legacy

  A Trinity Masters book

  Harrison has served as leader of the Trinity Masters for a decade. He’s always placed the group above his own needs—even when it comes to the one woman who calls to him. When a dangerous threat to the secret society surfaces, Harrison sets a plan in motion that could save the organization, but it comes with a price.

  Alexis turned down an invitation to join the Trinity Masters, afraid to relinquish control over her life, her future…her love. That rejection means she and Harrison are forced to ignore their desires. Her heart aching, she throws herself into her job and her difficult working relationship with her boss, Michael. He’s attractive and maddening, but Alexis has zero plans to give in to the crazy chemistry between them.

  Unable to take another moment of longing for him Harrison, Alexis to a ménage relationship with him. Perhaps with a third around she’ll be able to keep her heart intact. She is completely unaware their third will be Michael. She couldn’t have known how giving herself to them would inflame her desires. Or how much she would enjoy submitting to them.

  But when an evil man looking for revenge sets his sights on Harrison, time is the one thing none of them have. And it soon becomes apparent Harrison’s forbidden legacy could destroy them all…

  Enjoy this excerpt from Forbidden Legacy:

  He’d waited too damn long for her. Now that he had her in his arms, he wasn’t holding back, wasn’t denying himself this taste. He deepened the kiss, pulling her closer. Alexis accepted the embrace, put her own spin on it as she nipped at his lower lip, demanding access to his mouth. Her tongue stroked his, betraying her hunger.

  Harrison grasped her hair, tugging at her long auburn tresses. She moaned when he increased the pressure. Then he twisted their bodies—careful not to break the connection of their mouths—as he pushed her against the desk.

  Alexis placed her hands on his shoulders, shoving him away. “What are you saying, Harry?”

  “I want you.”

  She shook her head, clearly confused. “Is this a proposal?”

  His patience was in tatters. Now that he’d opened the gate, the time for conversation was over. There was nothing more to say. At this moment, action took precedence to words. He unbuttoned her blouse.

  “Harry.” She insisted on an answer.

  “What if it is, Lex?” He kissed her before she could respond. He didn’t want her answer. Couldn’t stand to hear her refuse or deny this. He wouldn’t let her lie to him. Not now. Not ever. He moved his hands, pushing them beneath her skirt.

  “Damn you,” she muttered against his lips. “I didn’t lock the door.”

  He grinned. “Don’t move.” He crossed the room and engaged the lock. Upon his return, he lifted her and urged her to sit on the desk as he pushed her skirt higher.

  She worked the knot of his tie loose and then started to unbutton his shirt. Three buttons down, she got fed up and simply ripped the last few free, dragged the cotton away and dropped it to the floor.

  Harrison kissed her once more, pressed his lips hard against hers, demanding, unyielding. He reached beneath her skirt and pushed her panties aside so he could draw his fingers along the slit between her legs. She was hot, wet, ready.

  Alexis leaned away from him, gasping for breath. “Stop. Wait. We can’t do this.”

  He tugged her blouse open, slid it off and found the clasp of her bra. “We’re not stopping.”

  “Harry.” She half-heartedly tried to push his hands away, but they soon fell to her sides when he freed her breasts. Bending forward, he sucked one turgid nipple into his mouth roughly.

  “God.” She gripped his hair, attempting to hold him to her. Harrison had never been called a gentle lover. He’d always been careful to choose bedmates who liked their pleasure laced with pain.

  Alexis threw her head back, digging her fingers into his scalp. “Harder, Harry. God, suck it harder. Need to feel…”

  He gave her what she wanted. And more. He cupped the flesh of her breasts, kneading firmly as he continued to draw on her nipples, increasing the suction until she cried out so loudly there was no way his secretary wouldn’t know what was happening in his office.

  He tried to make himself give a damn, but he didn’t. Instead, he doubled his efforts until she moaned again.

  Once more, he reached beneath her skirt and found the elastic waistband of her thong and garter belt. His actions jerked her back to reality.

  “We can’t do this, Harry.”

  “Of course we can. This is way overdue. Stop pretending you don’t understand that.”

  Jacob's Ladder by Bianca D'Arc

  A man on a mission…

  Jake can see the future and there’s a special woman on his mind. She needs his help and he’s just the man to help when danger stalks her every step.

  A woman with responsibilities…

  For Ria, being the Nyx—the leader of her people—comes with burdens that few can understand. Her special abilities make her a target of the Venifucus, an ancient faction that hopes to pervert Ria’s hereditary power to their own evil purposes. She’s lived her life on the run, but the time has come to turn and confront the bad guys on her trail.

  Can they stop the Venifucus from using the ancient power of the Nyx to return evil to this world? Whatever the cost, they must stop it, before it’s too late.

  Enjoy the following excerpt from Jacob’s Ladder:

  Ria ran as fast as her human feet would let her, surrounded by her Royal Guard. There were only a few on duty at any given time, but those few were forces to be reckoned with and had saved her life many times before. The Royal Guard had prepared for every contingency before even considering actually using this location. As a result, they had an escape plan in place and more than one route to get out of the area.